I used to hate that my birthday was in January... just a few short weeks after Christmas and New Year's. It always felt like an overwhelming double whammy of self reflection. But I think I've actually grown to love the fact that my birthday happens this time of year! January birthdays are like an extension of the holidays. And I actually enjoy having that extra time to really think about all the things that I want the next year to be.
Here are some of my hopes and dreams for this year:
Release some new enamel pin and graphic t-shirt designs for my Etsy shop! I have some designs sketched out, and I'm hoping to bring them to life in the next month or so.
Release a few holiday card designs for Christmas! This will be my first attempt at selling stationery, but I want to give it a try. Sending cards to friends is one of my favorite things to do year round. :)
Visit Portland, Oregon! I have been curious about Portland for quite some time, and it's time to tap into that curiosity. I can't wait to eat and explore!
Visit Las Vegas, Nevada and see 7 Magic Mountains before it's gone in May 2018.
Conquer one of my biggest vices: backing up my digital photo files REGULARLY and organizing them before it reaches the point of being out of control (which for years - it has been).
Continue walking every single day no matter the weather. Bare minimum of 1,000 steps, aiming for 10,000 a day - but even better if I exceed that! My Saturdays in NYC usually average 20,000+. ;) Sometimes I get the urge to run and will run for 1-4 minutes straight.. haha. Maybe I can incorporate more running this year, too!
Continue eating more plant-based meals. I feel better and have more energy to do things when I do! Also, buy a microplane and stop zesting lemons with a dull mini cheese grater.
Continue investing in myself and in my business. I am currently eyeing up a creative retreat in March, but the pricetag is a bit high... TBD on whether or not I make the splurge, lol. Even if I don't end up going to that - I want to continue learning how to grow my business this year. (books, podcasts, online workshops, etc.)
Continue cultivating my closest and most meaningful relationships, but also make some new ones!
Continue writing in my journal(s) and in this blog space on a regular basis. I didn't write much on the blog in 2017, but have high hopes and big plans for 2018!
Read more books! Currently on my list:
"Things Are What You Make Of Them" - Adam J. Kurtz
"You Are A Badass At Making Money" - Jen Sincero
"Feast for the Eyes: The Story of Food in Photography" - Susan Bright
"Feast Your Eyes" - Brittany Wright
"Minimalist Baker's Everyday Cooking" - Dana Shultz
"Raw, Vegan, Not Gross" - Laura Miller
"Wanderful" - Andi Eaton
And last but certainly not least... write my own book. (!!!) Something that has been in the making now for 25 years and counting.
I'm sure this list will change and grow as the year progresses, but this is what I am envisioning for now. What do you hope to accomplish for yourself this year?