It’s been awhile (over a year!) since I’ve last written in this space - but I wanted to pop in quickly with a few Christmas crafts that I’ve been working on this year. I love the holiday season for so many reasons - but one of my favorite reasons is the desire to craft ALL THE THINGS. Sometimes it feels impossible to make time to craft everything that you want to during the “busiest time of year,” but last weekend I set aside some time to play and just make some things for fun - and I’m SO glad I did! These 3 crafts are super easy, and the best part is you can use ordinary things you already have around your house without going out to buy (or order) any new supplies. 🙌🏼
I saw this reel on Instagram, and just had to give it a try! I put my own little spin on it by painting the tubes with silver and gold paint (before cutting them up) for some extra shimmer - but you can absolutely just leave them as they are. Or, you could try spray painting them or dusting them in glitter after they’re assembled. Once you’ve hot glued all your loops together, add a string and hang in a window or on a wall! No one will believe that they are made from toilet paper rolls. 😅They create some really magical shadows when the sun hits them just right, too. ✨
Next up are these origami Christmas trees! Usually I have a hard time following origami instructions - so if that’s also you - HAVE FAITH! I followed this easy video on Youtube (below) without much trouble, and the end result is so so so beautiful. You can use any type of paper that you have (doesn’t have to be anything fancy). I started with some Trader Joe’s holiday paper grocery bags I had saved, and then made some colorful ones using colored paper I already had. Plain white computer copy paper is also totally acceptable (and would make for lovely snowy trees). You can also use wrapping paper or even junk mail. Another (kid friendly) idea: paint a plain brown grocery bag and use that! They paint, you fold. 😉
They look great styled mixed in with bottle brush trees (or even serve as a much more affordable alternative, haha). You can customize the sizes and colors of them to your liking without feeling like you just burned a giant hole in your wallet. They also can be collapsed back to being flat for storage to be used for years to come, too. 👏🏼
This third project was an idea I came up with on a whim after the first two. 😂Once you’re on a roll, it’s hard to stop! Can you relate? 🙃Anyways, this post was not sponsored by TJ’s, but it probably should have been LOL. I cut up a candy cane Joe Joe’s box to make some gift tags. Sturdy, pretty, and repurposed from food packaging - what more can you ask for? Food packaging (boxes) with patterns / solid color work best for this. You can freehand shapes or use basic objects as tracers (like washi tape rolls or cookie cutters). Punch a hole, add string, and then customize them!
Happy Christmas crafting! 😘