I'm hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with delicious noms and quality family time! (I know I did) - and we all know what comes after Thanksgiving: Black Friday / Cyber Monday! I have never been one to really fully embrace Black Friday or Cyber Monday before… the thought of shopping when everyone else is shopping has always made me wanna vom. I can't stand shopping at a crowded store, so I have always avoided going out to shop on Black Friday. I also have never really been a fan of online shopping (for clothes) - because I am one who always needs to try shit on before buying it so that I don't buy something that looks ridiculous on me / doesn't fit right. I'm also generally pretty careful about how I spend money, and rarely (if ever) go on a shopping binge of any sort ever. This year, however, was different - and I decided to treat myself to a few goodies. Life is too short to hold onto all your money, and sometimes you really do deserve something nice! ;)
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