This past weekend, I trekked out to Long Island for a spontaneous getaway with some good friends. The weather forecast was supposed to be great and uncharacteristically warm for February (60 degrees) - unlike last weekend - so we took full advantage and drove out to Montauk on Sunday! I had been there before - a couple summers back - but had never been during the off season. It was such a last minute plan - but I'm so glad that we made it happen!
There's something eerie (but also wonderful) about beach towns during the non-summer months. Colorful food shacks are boarded up, trees are bare, and the crowds are significantly smaller / nonexistent. I myself don't live near the beach - so it's rare that I get to experience one when it's not summer.
Our first stop in Montauk was Camp Hero State Park - which looks straight out of the Pacific North West. Seriously, it's one of the most breathtaking views I've ever experienced.
After that, we made our way down to the beach - walking through this barren tunnel of trees. During the summer months, it's reminiscent of a magical secret garden.. but during winter, it looks like a path of dead things straight out of a horror movie.
We walked along the rocks that wrap around the lighthouse. I geeked out over the bright yellow lichens growing on them (because it blows my mind that such a vibrant color can be found in nature).
There was a surprising amount of people out and about - a bunch of surfers, photographers, families -- (I guess we weren't the only ones trying to take advantage of the warm weather).
We searched for treasures along the beach, but didn't have too much luck. We found some snail shells and a couple sea urchin fragments - but nothing too monumental. It was still fun to look, though - as it always is!
Our last stop was the Candied Anchor - a quaint little local candy shop a short drive from the beach.
I walked out with a $12 heaping bag of candy which was 99% filled with chocolate covered gummy bears (oooooops).
Also, I had to buy this beautiful "birthday cake" fudge bar (which I still haven't been able to bring myself to eat because it's just too dang pretty LOL).
If you're ever in Montauk, I highly recommend treating yo'self to some of their goodies!