Happy New Year! I can't believe that it's 2015 already - 2014 came and went so fast!
This being my first full year of post-grad life, I'm feeling like kicking some serious ass and have decided to take up a personal project. Gotta start the new year with a bang! ;) I have been wanting to work on my hand-lettering typography skills for a little while now, and so I created this little project to share with you all: a series of 15 hand-lettered mantras for 2015! (If it all goes well, I may do more than 15). I have looked to inspiring / motivational quotes quite a bit this past year to get me through some of my lowest points. Sometimes when you're not feeling on top of the world, reading just the right words can totally change your mood and mindset.
New Year's is always a time to reflect back on all that has happened in the last year, acknowledge what you have learned, and revel in all the ways that you have grown. It is also a time to set new goals, hopes, and dreams - and find a way to make the next year even better. With my "15 Mantras For 2015" project, I hope to share with you some "words to live by" to keep your spirits flying high in the new year. By taking steps to fulfill my resolution, I am also hoping to motivate you to fulfill yours as well.
Each mantra will also be uploaded to my online Society6 shop - and will be available for purchase in various formats (art prints, phone cases, mugs, t-shirts, etc.) Here is the full list of "15 Mantras for 2015" (illustrations are a work in progress and I will be uploading / updating this post as they are completed!) I'm super excited, and I am looking forward to sharing this project with you as it unfolds!
1. Do the things that you've always wanted to do.
I've always wanted to improve my hand-lettering skills - so that's exactly what I am doing! Last year, I started this blog - which is another thing that I have always wanted to do. Whether it's to improve a skill, learn something new, start your own business, travel to a specific place, run a marathon, eat healthier -- the list goes on! You can be anything you want to be and do anything that you want to do.
2. Get moving.
Whether this brings you inspiration at the gym, while at work, or in your home - I hope that you stop waiting for whatever it is that you may be waiting for. Get off your lazy butt, and get moving!
3. Beauty is right in front of you.
While it's important to get moving - it's also important to slow down. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our lives, that we forget to stop and smell the roses. Disconnect from technology, and go outside. Remember that beauty is right in front of you - and if you run through life too fast, you'll miss it!
4. Explore more.
During my last year at school and over the summer - I really made the extra effort to go out and explore more. There is nothing like seeing something you have never seen before. Whether it's a local adventure or a trip across the world - the rewards are endless.
5. Set your own parameters for success.
In a society driven by awards and recognition, it's so easy to get upset when you don't come out on top. Stop comparing yourself to others, and set your own parameters for success! Set both short term and long term goals to help you reach the place that you want to be at.
6. Cut yourself some slack.
Don't be so hard on yourself! We all fall down. We all make mistakes. We all have our bad days. Remember the importance of treating yourself every now and then, too. Treat yourself to a nice bath (and get the nice soap). Buy that doughnut (and eat it without feeling guilty). Take some time off and go on a vacation to a magical far away land.
7. Choose joy.
Happiness is a choice! This is something so important that I learned this past year. Not everyone on this planet is a beaming ball of sunshine. Know that you can't control the happiness of everyone around you, but that you are in complete control of your own. Surround yourself with the people that build you up and push you forward - not those who hold you back or put you down.
8. Read all the books.
Over the summer, I started reading books again. It had been several years since I had picked up a book and read it for fun. I always used the excuse that I never had time - and that was a load of crap! Books are such a wealth of information and knowledge, and your brain will do a little happy dance if you pick them up! It's time to tackle that stack of books you bought yourself with intentions of reading but never did.
9. Make time for the things that matter most.
There is no such thing as "too busy." Stop making excuses. If something is important enough, you will make time for it. In such a fast-paced world - it's easy to forget to set aside time for friends and family. It's also important to not forget about yourself. Don't lose sight of the hobbies that put a smile on your face or that personal project that you've always wanted to do.
10. Block out the bullshit.
Haters are gonna hate, but you just gotta shake it off. You ain't got time for mean people. Besides, they are probably just jealous anyways. So just keep doing you. ;)
11. Do the impossible and the unthinkable.
Challenge yourself. Step out of your comfort zone. So many people will tell you that you can't do it. You can.
12. Trust your gut.
I met Jessica Walsh at FIT this past year during a talk she gave. At the time, I was struggling with figuring out my thesis. I asked her for "advice on surviving senior year" and she told me to "trust my gut." Don't over think it! We tend to psych ourselves out when we spend too much time contemplating. Stop worrying. Follow your heart, and the rest will fall into place.
13. Stay in pursuit of magic.
Stay curious. The second you stop questioning and wondering is the second that you have stopped living! The world is a giant ball of magic - meant to be pondered by all of the little humans like you and me who inhabit it. :)
14. It's never too late.
Age is just a number. Time machines don't exist yet, so until then - regrets are totally pointless. Stop saying that you "wish you had ____" - there is still time!
15. Dream on.
Dreams are so important! Dreams are what life is made of. Never lose sight of what your heart wants - because it is probably the root of what makes you happy to be alive.
Be sure to share with me some of your hopes and dreams or words to live by in the comments below! Additionally, if you purchase anything from the series through my Society6 shop, I'd love to see it in your home / office (or wherever else you may be taking my mantras with you) - share photos using #my2015mantra! :)
Here's to the best year ever! Now go kick some butt!